PATF adopts a holistic approach by bringing together a highly experienced multidisciplinary team of critical
experts to meet its objectives and support African governments’ technological developmental agenda
CBDCs promise an array of new capabilities, including banking the unbanked, frictionless consumer payments and cross-border transfers, and the establishment of a nationwide digital currency in the wake of the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies. RegTech involves developing a fully interoperable second line of defence (2LoD) with a Compliance, Risk, AML/CFT and Legal technology suite with seamless interoperability into the CBG’s platform. Fintech sandboxes are structured, objective-driven, publicised, resource-intensive projects to test the viability of fintech innovations and strike the right balance between innovation and risks to inform CBG’s regulatory actions.

CBDCs promise an array of new capabilities, including banking the unbanked, frictionless consumer payments and cross-border transfers, and the establishment of a nationwide digital currency in the wake of the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies. RegTech involves developing a fully interoperable second line of defence (2LoD) with a Compliance, Risk, AML/CFT and Legal technology suite with seamless interoperability into the CBG’s platform. Fintech sandboxes are structured, objective-driven, publicised, resource-intensive projects to test the viability of fintech innovations and strike the right balance between innovation and risks to inform CBG’s regulatory actions.