Ensuring Africa’s full participation in the digital economy.



London, UK


+44 203 432 3520


Pan African Tech Foundation is driven by a group of passionate people who go above and beyond to see Africa thrive.
Through their effort the organisation keeps moving forward​



The Leadership Team is responsible for business strategy and planning and oversees all the activities of the Foundation.

Prof. Bouchra Bouklata


Advisory Board

Bouchra BOUKLATA is University Professor & Researcher in Communication, Profiling, Soft Skills, ESP & Research Methodology. . Bouchra is the Secretary of the Arabic Commission of the African Academy of Languages ​​(ACALAN), a specialized institution of the African Union. She is the general president of WOSSO (Workshop On Soft Skills Optimization). She is a member of the editorial board of KUWALA, An International Multi-Lingual Journal. Bouchra is an expert on the CLES (Certificate of Competence in Languages ​​of Higher Education) a European educational program. She is a member in the ASELab (Advanced System Engineering Laboratory). Bouchra is also coordinator of the committee in charge of social, cultural and sports affairs, evaluator of English skills for students of the Erasmus + mobility program, double degree program and Master II program, a coordinator of the ad hoc committee for the creation of a Master, a producer of MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) with the collaboration of the University UNINETTUNO, Italy.

Shipra Chisha

Advisory Board
Shiphra Chisha is the President and Co-Founder of the SADC Women in Business, a company that provides women with access to trade and investments in eight (8) priority sectors ensuring women participation through the implementation of the AfCFTA. She is a Social Entrepreneur and Director of MKT Investments, a 14 year consultancy firm established to ensure sustainable socio economic development (SED) through collaboration with mining companies, government, MSMEs(SMME), traditional leadership and other partners, providing advisory services to Trustees and Beneficiaries of host communities on socio economic development. She is a member of the South African BRICS Skills , Manufacturing and Mining Working Groups, a member of IWF Global, Women in Mining South Africa, Advisory Board Member of African Women in Power and Energy.Her previous roles include the Executive Head of the BRICS Institute, Chief Executive Officer of the Sishen Iron Ore Mine Community Trust, NED of the Anglo American Coal, Chairman of the Anglo American Inyosi Coal Trust, Alternate Director of Continental Coal Limited and Deputy Chairman of InsurAfrica. Shiphra holds a MBA, MDP, a Bachelor Commerce in Economics and SLP from GIBS.

Bridget Greenwood

Advisory Board

Bridget is an accomplished and dynamic leader in the field of web3. She is the founder of The Bigger Pie, an organisation that supports exceptional women in fintech and web3, and co-founder of The 200Bn Club, which aims to combat the lack of funding for female and underrepresented founders.
The Bigger Pie is a platform championing women's leadership in the Web3 and blockchain sectors, offering training, global events, and resources to foster growth and innovation in emerging tech. They aim to position women at the forefront of blockchain advancements and bridge the gap in this nascent technology.
Bridget approaches her work with a data-driven and holistic approach, which has been instrumental in the success of her endeavours. Under her leadership, The Bigger Pie has grown to support a network of over 10,000 women globally and has fostered multiple other women-focused communities.
In 2022, Bridget and her co-founder Dr. Amber Ghaddar successfully launched The 200Bn Club, which saw the graduation of 8 startups, 75% with term sheets, and an average raise of $1.7 million. The program now boasts over 200 VC partners and will be kicking off a new Web 3 cohort this year.
Since November 2022, Bridget has been at the forefront of exploring the strategic application of Generative AI in business environments. Recognising the transformative potential of ChatGPT and other AI technologies, she has spearheaded workshops aimed at empowering SMEs with the knowledge and tools necessary for strategic planning and effective implementation of Generative AI. 
Bridget's expertise as a Prompt Engineer, combined with her certification as a MindStudio developer & expert, positions her as a leading figure in the integration of AI within business practices. As a global speaker and trainer, she brings over a 2 decades of experience in emerging technology to her sessions, focusing on delivering impactful and cutting-edge training in emerging technologies. Bridget's commitment to leveraging AI extends her influence beyond traditional boundaries, making her a pivotal contributor to the advancement of AI integration in businesses worldwide.
For her contributions to the industry, Bridget has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Ethical Finance Awards Winner, Crypto Currency Diversity & Inclusion Organisation of the Year 2022, European Women in Finance 2022, and Top 100 Women of the Future, Women In FinTech Powerlist Standout45, Women in Web3 Changemakers 2023, Innovation & Excellence Awards 2023 - Women's Business Support Initiative of the Year and The CogX Awards: Recognising Leadership Gender Equality Leaders, and shortlisted for Digital Leaders 100 and the Hustle Awards.

Nic Careem

Advisory Board

Nic Careem is a highly renowned and respected UK social entrepreneur. In 1999, Nic  facilitated the creation of a book containing tribute messages from political leaders, celebrities and community members in honour of Nelson Mandela. In 2002, Mr Careem co- founded the Blue Sky Network, a unique organization with a track record for creating high profile campaigns. The aim of the Network is to create a network of like-minded people with a desire to use their skills and connections to help improve the world. The Network has well-known supporters from all walks of life - from politics, business, show business, sport, media and community. In 2007, Nic organised the signing of the Anne Frank Declaration by world leaders, which included, Nelson Mandela and Kofi Annan. Nic Careem  has also launched a program to have British local government districts partner with districts in Africa.

Queen Diambi Kabatusuila

Advisory Board

Queen Diambi holds a Doctorate of Public Administration, a Doctorate Honoris Causa of Philosophy in Humanities, a Professorship in International Law and Order, a Master of Science in Applied Psychology, a Master Of Science in Mental Health Counseling and also hold a Bachelor Science in Business-Finance and Economics. Queen Diambi is the founder of the Elikia Hope Foundation, NYC and she is the Minister of Foreign Affaires of the State of the African Diaspora of the 6th Region of Africa, which is recognized by the African Union. Queen Diambi has always been very interested in all matters concerning the restoration of the African Identity through the study of African history and of the cultural heritage of the continent. Queen Diambi holds the view that the exclusion of Africa in the 4th Industrial Revolution will lead to an overall imbalance on the global stage. She is a strong proponent of the fact that concept of blockchain has always existed in Africa, albeit without technology. She recounts the fascinating example of the typical naming ceremony where everyone in a village had to validate not only the name of a new child but also his ancestry, and just like blockchain, such data could not be changed or tampered with once it was established.

Alioune Gueye

Advisory Board

Alioune GUEYE, founded the AFRIQUE CHALLENGE Group, «L’Afrique qui ose!» in Casablanca in 1999, to offer African companies and public and private institutions a space for building the capacities of leaders and middle management, both in the private and public sectors, as well as for pooling experiences. In 2012, the Group launched an African Business Journal dedicated at entrepreneurship and African business. Today, this quarterly review, gives pride of place to Business Cases and collects the thoughts of leaders on the continent; it is sent directly to 3,500 leaders. Alioune is also the founder of Next Generation Entrepreneurship (NGE) association, which organizes Hub AFRICA, the first platform dedicated to African entrepreneurs, investors and SMEs. In 2014, Alioune founded  the Africa / Asia exchange in Singapore, African Business International which organizes study and masterclass trips, and publishes an economic intelligence journal Asia Africa Business Review. Alioune has a Doctorate in Management Sciences from Sorbonne University. He is married and the father of two children.

Zakaria Fahim

Advisory Board

Zakaria Fahim,Founder &  President - Hub Africa and President - Commission Very Small Enterprises, SME, GE at the CGEM (Moroccan Patronage)

Zakaria Fahim is the Managing Partner of BDO SARL Maroc, In 2013, Mr. Fahim founded Francophone Hub Africa, the first platform for African Entrepreneurs (www.HubAfrica.co) under the high patronage of His Majesty. Zakaria holds an Accounting Expertise Diploma, 1994, Ministry of French National Education, Paris, and a Masters in Accounting and Financial Sciences and Techniques - Specialization in Information Systems, 1989 Poitiers. Zakaria also holds a Diploma in Management Information Technology, 1988, Le Havre,and  Entrepreneurship Training in 2008 in London, preceded by a Leadership Training in 2007 at MSI in Washington. Zakaria is a member of the Executive Board of Patronage (CGEM) and one of the precursors of Crowdfunding in Morocco. Zakaria is the author of many articles on entrepreneurship, SMEs and alternative financing.

Paolo Galizzi

Advisory Board

Dr Paolo Galizzi is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Sustainable Development Legal Initiative (SDLI) and the Corporate and Social Responsibility Program at the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice at Fordham Law School. For the past twenty years, Prof. Galizzi has worked in Africa and particularly in Ghana, where he has also held various academic positions including Visiting Professor of Law at the School of Law, GIMPA, Accra from 2015-2018; Founding Director of the African Center for International Criminal Law and Justice – ACICJ.  Prof. Galizzi’s work in Africa included setting up a Human Rights Moot Court Competition in East Africa (Great Lakes Human Rights Moot Court) with colleagues from the Faculty of Law of INES, Ruhengeri (Rwanda) and training of judges in East Africa in partnership with the Federal Judicial Center. His field work has included projects in Malawi as well as in South Africa. Prof. Galizzi has collaborated and supported the work of several international agencies and organizations the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Equator Initiative, the Red Ribbon Initiative, the Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor and the UNPFA.

Roselyn Gicira

Advisory Board

Roselyn is the founder and director of Azuri Blockchain Consultants Ltd. Having followed blockchain startups over the years, Roselyn has built up an extended expertise in this field. Roselyn previously served as the Chairperson of the Blockchain Association of Kenya.  She also heads the Kenyan Women in Blockchain Chapter. She has also worked with UN Women where she supported various programmes and projects within East and Horn of Africa covering eight countries as a programme officer. Roselyn has worked in various programmes towards elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Roselyn has worked in close collaboration with programme and operations team, Government officials, multi and bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful UN Women programme implementation. She is a certified member of Kenya Institute of Directors and she is certified to sit on corporate boards having undergone training on Corporate Governance.

Prof. Olayinka David-West

Advisory Board

Olayinka David-West is a Professor of Information Systems with over three decades experience in the IT and financial services industry and is a passionate advocate for digital transformation and inclusive finance. Professor David-West is Associate Dean at the Lagos Business School (LBS) and a member of the school’s governance body. For almost a decade, she served as Academic Director of the Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) providing capacity building and enterprise support services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. She currently leads the Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Financial Services (SIDFS) initiative, a research, capacity building, engagement and advocacy initiative dedicated to enhancing financial inclusion in Nigeria. Olayinka is a renowned thought leader in digital transformation and applications in financial services. She has expert certifications in financial inclusion policy and digital money, is a governing council member of the Fintech Association of Nigeria and a member of the African Women in Finance and Payments. She is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), and the academic advocate to the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). She is also a qualified practitioner of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). She mentors young women in STEM, and was featured on the Tech Women of Lagos exhibition, listed among the Leading Women in Nigeria’s Financial Technology Industry and profiled on FintechTimes as a leading financial inclusion in Africa expert. Professor David-West holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) from Manchester Business School, and an MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design from City University, London


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